2025 6th International Conference on Big Data and Informatization Education (ICBDIE 2025)
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Prof. KING Kuo Chin Irwin

 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

IEEE Fellow, INNS Fellow, AAIA Fellow, ACM Distinguished Member

Breif Introduction:Irwin King is the Associate Dean (Education) of the Engineering Faculty and Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the Director of Rich Media and Big Data Key Laboratory at the Shenzhen Research Institute. His research interests include machine learning, social computing, Big Data, data mining, and multimedia information processing. Recently, Prof. King has been an evangelist in the use of education technologies in eLearning for the betterment of teaching and learning.

17. Prof. Jon-Chao Hong.jpg

Prof. Jon-Chao Hong

National Taiwan Normal University, China

Breif Introduction:Jon-ChaoHong is currently working as a Chair professor in the department of industrial education at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). As the director of Digital Game-based Learning Laboratory (GBL), he has developed 24 educational Apps and VR for skill training, science and language learning. As the secretary general of Taiwan Creativity Development Association, he also organizes several creative contests relevant to STEAM, such as PowerTech Contest to ensure students’ hands-on creation without parents or teachers’ assistance. As the international Chairman of International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI), he also promotes the innovative contest to give students an opportunity to stimulate their science inquiry abilities. In addition, he has published a number of academic articles in international journals related to learning  psychology and human resource development.  As a  professor with  4Ps (products, patents, papers and platforms) performance, he received the Outstanding Research Prize twice from Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.


Prof. Huiyu Zhou

 University of Leicester, UK

Breif Introduction:Dr. Huiyu Zhou received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Radio Technology from Huazhong University of Science and Technology of China, and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Dundee of United Kingdom, respectively. He was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Vision from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Dr. Zhou currently is a full Professor at School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. He has published over 500 peer-reviewed papers in the field. His research work has been or is being supported by UK EPSRC, ESRC, AHRC, MRC, EU, Royal Society, Leverhulme Trust, Invest NI, Puffin Trust, Alzheimer’s Research UK, Invest NI and industry.

Speech Title:Artificial intelligence and applications in smart agriculture.

Abstract: Smart agriculture refers to the usage of modern ICT technologies on farms in order to increase quality and quantity of crops whilst optimising human labour. In this talk, we will first describe the relationship between AI and agriculture, and then discuss two case studies that deeply involve AI to support farming. First of all, we will discuss the impacts of weeds on yield and quality of rice, and then propose a deep learning model to separate rice seedlings and weeds for down-stream tasks. Secondly, we will discuss the use of deep learning technologies in estimating internal structures of rice seedling stems so as to examine health and growth of rice seedlings. Finally, we will summarise this talk and point out our future work.


Assoc. Prof. Na Li

Xi' an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Breif Introduction:Are you ready for the digital future? Hello, I’m Na (Lina) Li, Associate Professor, Director of the MSc Digital Education Programme in the Department of Educational Studies, and Co-director of the Research Centre for AI and Education within the Academy of Future Education (AoFE) at XJTLU. I'm a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA), Associate Editor for the European Journal of Education (EJED) and Editorial Board Member of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), both of which are SSCI-indexed (Q1) journals. A leading guest editor for BJET’s 2024-2025 special issue on AI and learner emotion. Guest editor for Developing Academic Practice (DAP)’s 2024-2025 special issue on AI in learning and teaching. I hold a PhD in Education, jointly supervised by XJTLU and the School of Psychology at the University of Liverpool. I'm honoured to be the first PhD graduate and winner of the Awards for Thesis Writing and Academic Performance at AoFE. My vision of research is to build a sustainable HeXie digital learning ecology for quality and agile education. I’m passionate about interdisciplinary research and educational innovations with technology, including Virtual Learning environments (VLE/LMS), Artificial Intelligence In Education (AIED), and Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL). Since 2006, I have been deeply engaged in the practice of the information technology industry, digital education teaching and research, and has published many high-quality publications. For more details, please check: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Na-Li-120